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School of agriculture and industry of Hehai University: "three integration" to build a new mode of labor education of "micro irrigation"

Hits: 3896205 2020-04-28

Labor is the most glorious not long ago, the CPC Central Committee and the State Council issued the opinions on Comprehensively Strengthening labor education in primary and secondary schools in the new era, which requires the construction of a comprehensive education system of moral, intellectual, physical, aesthetic and labor training. For a long time, the College of agricultural science and engineering of our university has been facing the new requirements of cultivating talents with morality, fully implementing the party's education policy, integrating labor education into the whole process of talent cultivation, and building a comprehensive, sustainable and effective "micro irrigation" mode through the "three integration" of professional education, ideological education and labor education, which has achieved good education results.
Full integration of labor into professional education
Throughout the ages, agriculture is the foundation of the country and water is the vein of agriculture. Hehai University has a long history in the field of agriculture and water resources, and it is one of the earliest schools in China to train agricultural water conservancy engineering professionals. In the course of running a school for decades, the farmers and Shuiren have inherited the school running thought of "paying attention to the health of students, so as to form the habit of being diligent and hard-working", integrated labor into professional education, turned "labor curriculum" into "curriculum labor", constructed the labor education guidance system of "the first hub project", and formed the labor education implementation system of "micro run pipe network".
While enriching and improving the three kinds of labor education contents of "daily life labor, production labor and service labor", the college also actively advocates three kinds of labor concepts, i.e. hard work, honest labor and creative labor, vigorously promotes three kinds of labor spirits, i.e. labor spirit, model labor spirit and craftsman spirit, and takes creative labor ability as the key point, breakthrough point and creation of labor education in the new era New points, develop a variety of forms, content rich labor education teaching courses and teaching programs. Labor links of courses, such as seedling cultivation, transplanting seedlings, disassembly and assembly of pump machine, are set up in the courses of farmland water conservancy, soil science and farming, water pump and water pump station, and agricultural water conservancy engineering innovation training course, so as to internalize professional knowledge in the process of labor. The labor education course of agricultural water conservancy engineering is included in the training plan as a required course, with 2 credits and 32 class hours in total. In 2019, relying on Jiangning water-saving Park, the College Youth League Committee and the College Youth League Committee jointly built a labor education practice base, combined with quality to expand credit elective, and actively created the second class activities of labor education with disciplinary characteristics for a total of 35 times, realizing the full coverage of college students, while attracting the active participation of students inside and outside the school.
The joint meeting of the party and government of the college has discussed how to strengthen labor education for many times. Through labor education, it has found a new breakthrough to build morality and cultivate people. It has formed the "first hub project" labor education guidance system led by the guarantee of curriculum education system, the construction of guiding teachers and the establishment of practice platform in the school. Labor is not only a "required course" of knowledge, but also a "hard index" of quality. Through the integration of professional education, ideological education and labor education, learning, using, knowing and doing, students' labor spirit, labor value orientation and labor skill level are improved. Under the guidance of the whole process of the labor education guidance system of the "first hub project", professional education, ideological education and labor education will be comprehensively, continuously and effectively "delivered" to each student through the "micro run network", so as to realize the promotion of four aspects of labor concept, labor spirit, labor habits and labor skills. Moral education, intellectual education, sports and aesthetic education complement each other and effectively promote learning The formation of correct world outlook, outlook on life and values.
Continuous integration of labor into Ideological Education
Labor education is the most fertile soil for moral, intellectual, physical and aesthetic education In order to guide students to make clear the principle that "labor is the essence of human beings", establish the concept of the most glorious, sublime, great and beautiful labor, the college actively explores the new path of ideological education for agricultural and water students in the new era background, combining with the new characteristics of Contemporary college students. With the main line of "agriculture, rivers and seas", correct the concept of labor, carry forward the spirit of labor, and cultivate the feelings of loving agriculture.
Organize students to visit and study the aquatic vegetable cooperative and aquaculture base of Wuxing village, Tugou Town, Jinhu County, and listen to the vivid report of Zhang Tao, Secretary of the Party branch of the village and national model worker, who has been committed to leading the masses to become rich together for many years. We invite Mr. Yi Yongqing, a national advanced worker, special allowance expert of the State Council, senior engineer and part-time professor of Hehai University, to give a special lecture entitled "realizing life dream in the field of hope", and encourage students to be good at summarizing, striving for advancement, striving hard and daring to innovate in their study and work. In addition, through wechat platform, the college pushed the presentation of labor style, set up the column of "pay homage to workers", and promoted the labor spirit of loving the post, striving for the first-class, hard work, courage to innovate, indifference to fame and wealth, and dedication among students. Through the new thought open class, the students of the college were organized to watch the video of "devoting oneself to helping the world and making contributions to the world" in memory of the national model teacher and Professor Peng Shizhang of the college, to guide the students to carry out the core socialist values with their own practical action model, with dreams, down-to-earth, thrifty and simple, willing to contribute and courageous.
In the autumn equinox of each year, the "river and Sea Harvest Festival" is held to show the achievements of labor education of the college, express the feelings of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers" and the mission of youth struggle and dedication to the modernization of agriculture and water conservancy of the motherland. "He Hai harvest festival" series activities include wheat cutting experience competition, scarecrow production activity, wheat wave rolling photography competition, cultural performance of "Celebrating harvest and Chinese birthday", garden party of harvest festival, agricultural fun games, China's selected world irrigation heritage project and new modern agricultural Festival water technology exhibition, agricultural situation, he Hai young scholars academic forum and other wonderful plates. During the activity, one picture recorded the golden harvest scene of the wheat field and the students participating in the activities of cutting wheat and weaving scarecrows, competing for "carrying the burden" and "transplanting rice seedlings" in the agricultural fun games, as well as the students walking into the field of the water-saving park to pull out radish and pick corn, enjoying the happiness and joy brought by the harvest.
Effective integration of labor into practical education
Only by labor can we change ourselves and realize the leap of life, and only by labor can we change society and realize the value of life. The college puts the responsibility of implementing labor education on the heart, shoulders and hands, organizes students to participate in daily life labor, production labor and service labor purposefully and in a planned way, makes students practice and sweat hard, accept exercise and temper their will, and cultivates students' correct labor values and good labor quality.
During the farming season, the college issued an initiative to all students, calling on everyone to give full play to the knowledge of agricultural water conservancy, providing technical guidance for farmers to scientifically and reasonably carry out the work of spring irrigation and fertilization, coping with the drought in early spring, and eliminating and reducing the waterlogging and waterlogging in agricultural production, helping farmers to solve the water problem in agricultural production, practically improving the ability of agricultural production to cope with the drought and waterlogging disaster, and ensuring agricultural production and stability. In the process of providing services, we found technical problems, condensed scientific problems, summed up valuable experience from the production line, and reflected the achievements of scientific and technological innovation and professional practice in the motherland.
At the same time, in the labor practice base of the water-saving Park of Jiangning campus, we carried out field work such as land reclamation, fruit and melon seedling raising, arable land sowing, weeding and irrigation, adopted the "group responsibility system", defined the responsible areas and corresponding crops of each group, enhanced the team cooperation spirit and sense of labor responsibility of students, and promoted students to form good working habits. After the careful care and management of the students, the water-saving garden experimental field has been fruitful, and the students have deeply realized the joy of "one cultivation, one harvest". During the field work, the students learned crop management methods such as fruit and vegetable trellis and pinching, which deepened the learning and understanding of common crop planting methods and cultivation process. The full-time teachers of the college directly teach the professional knowledge of what is the field water holding capacity, why to save water irrigation, how to do a good job in farmland water conservancy planning and so on in the field, so as to help students improve their professional skills and enhance their professional quality. With the help of the water-saving model competition of the campus science and technology festival, through the labor practice base of the water-saving Park, the innovation spirit and practical ability of the students are stimulated, and the skills of the students to turn the model into the real object are improved.
At present, the labor education under "micro irrigation" has covered all the undergraduates of the Academy of agriculture and industry. In the dimension of undergraduate talent training process, the idea of comprehensive labor education is adopted to run through the whole process of entrance education, curriculum learning and practical learning; in the dimension of practice, continuous labor education activities are carried out to integrate the content and form of labor education; in the dimension of time, according to the seasonal characteristics of farming, labor education is effectively carried out, and the labor education course of spring ploughing, summer ploughing, autumn harvest and winter storage is formulated Cheng. Through the new exploration of labor education under the "micro irrigation", we should actively guide students to establish a correct outlook on labor, realize advocating labor, respecting labor, integrating knowledge with practice, and cultivate a group of socialist builders and successors with new era labor concept and modern labor skills.
Source: news network of Hehai University, Institute of agriculture and Industry
Editor: Liu Zhaoxin, reporter group of small conch; Bai Rong
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