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Eight Great Department Plastics Yang Xin: How to choose between the expanded rhinoplasty and the silicone prosthesis rhinoplasty

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Rhinoplasty is a very common and popular cosmetic procedure, and the prosthetic rhinoplasty, which is applied early, mature, and permanently maintained, is most common. In the face of the two kinds of prosthesis, expanded and silicone, how do we choose? First of all, silicone prosthesis, silicone material has been applied for nearly 50 years, which is a very safe body filling material. Its properties are very stable, will not cause cancer, will not cause deformities, rejection and allergic reactions are rare, similar silicone gel prostheses are also applied in breast augmentation surgery. Professor Yang Xin of Badachu Plastics introduced that the silicone prosthesis has strong elasticity and stereoscopic effect, similar to the nasal tissue. On the basis of it, it can be arbitrarily engraved into nasal prostheses with various shapes and models, such as nose tip, nose wing and nasal column. There are L-shaped and willow-shaped shapes. However, if the reserved cavity of the placement prosthesis is not suitable, or is surrounded by more fibrous envelope after implantation, blood circulation cannot be established, and the tissue may be weakened and raised. Local skin ischemia, necrosis, ulceration and pseudo-exposed. Also, if the skin of the nose is thin, the phenomenon of light transmission of the prosthesis may occur, which makes it difficult to cover up. Even though silicone prostheses have these unmet shortcomings, they are easy to engrave, inexpensive, and easy to remove. They are still popular among beauty seekers and doctors, and are the most commonly used prosthetic materials. The expanded body is made of polytetrafluoroethylene. It is also a very safe human implant material. It was originally applied to artificial blood vessels, artificial heart capsules, etc., and is highly praised for its good tissue compatibility and safety. Professor Yang Xin of Badachu Plastics introduced that it has many micropores, which can allow the body's autologous tissue to grow inward and establish blood circulation, thus integrating with the autologous tissue. Therefore, it is almost indistinguishable from the autologous tissue after it is implanted into the nose. Compared with the silicone material, the advantage is that the fusion is good, and there is no phenomenon that the prosthesis moves, the nose is red, and the nose is bright; the second nasal line is smooth and natural, and the touch has no foreign body sensation, and there is no false phenomenon. The third weight is relatively light, and there is no feeling of falling; the fourth long-term fixation is better, and the beauty of the nose is also thin and can make a good rhinoplasty effect. The shortcomings are poor shapeability and difficulty in engraving. This is a big test for doctors. After the second long-term implantation, the bulk material will lose some flexibility and slowly become very solid, sometimes it will appear dull in the nose; The third is that in case of problems, it is difficult to take out, which requires doctors to have quite high skills and rich experience; in the end, the price is relatively high, twice or more than the average silicone prosthesis. As a new technology, there are some shortcomings in the expansion of rhinoplasty, but this does not affect the pursuit and love of some beauty seekers, and it represents the development direction of future rhinoplasty surgery. It is a recommended rhinoplasty technique. . In addition to the prosthetic rhinoplasty, autologous cartilage rhinoplasty is also a popular choice nowadays, and now most doctors will take the combination of prosthesis and autologous cartilage to make up for the shortcomings and strive to create a perfect nose. Professor Yang Xin of Badachu Plastics reminded that the choice of materials to rhinoplasty should be based on the conditions and preferences of the beauty seekers. No material or technology can be perfect, as long as the professional doctors and regular hospitals are selected, I believe. You can get the best aesthetic experience.

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