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Reprinted by mechanical and Electrical Institute of Hohai University: build a labor education system of "love, understanding and ability" and strengthen the talent cultivation system

Hits: 3896747 2020-05-01

Since the most beautiful work for a long time, the school of mechanical and electrical engineering of Hehai University has always incorporated labor education into the whole process of talent training, and has targeted to create a labor education model that combines universality and characteristics. In addition to the systematic culture and knowledge education, the college has carried out the labor course of "engineering training" for a long time, which cultivates students' labor consciousness, labor values and labor skills, enables students to practice, work hard, receive exercise and hone their will, and develops the concept of "the most glorious, the most noble, the greatest and the most beautiful labor". After more than 30 years of accumulation and exploration, the "engineering training" course of mechanical and electrical engineering college has formed a labor education system of "love, understanding and meeting", which has become a typical example of school labor education practice.
"Love" labor: sweat like rain, condense precious experience
For every student in the school of mechanical and electrical engineering of Hehai University, "engineering training" is a required practice course in addition to systematic professional study, and it is also an unforgettable experience in university life. Through the engineering training course, students have more positive feelings for practical work, experience the labor to create a better life, and cultivate the labor spirit of thrifty, struggle, innovation and dedication. A good weld may be the result of the test welding of dozens or even dozens of steel pieces; a hammer belongs to you, maybe it's the focus and intention of several hours every day.
The lathe operator is a part of engineering training. The main work is to use the lathe to carry out fine cutting, drilling and other operations on the workpiece. "Other types of work often only need to be accurate to 0.1mm; but in the turning process, the accuracy is 0.01mm, or even 0.001mm." Gu Wenxuan, a 2018 mechanical engineering major, described his feelings in this way. In his opinion, the work on the lathe needs not only physical strength but also mental power. Only by doing more experiments and exercises can we master the basis of it. "We learn to operate ordinary lathes. All operations are controlled by hand. If we want to make exquisite workmanship, it is difficult to meet the requirements without skilled technology and careful arrangement. When you get a part drawing that needs to be processed, you should not only carefully arrange the processing flow of the work piece, but also coordinate your hands, brain and all parts of your body in the process of processing. It can be said that you can pull one hair and move the whole body. In addition, there are a lot of things to be paid attention to in the lathe work. You need to be patient, persevering and persevering, and use certain skills while working hard. "
In addition to the lathe workers, locksmith, foundry worker, welder, milling worker, grinder and other types of work also need to participate in engineering training students to operate one by one. Each type of work has its own technical requirements and corresponding curriculum objectives. The students who thought the engineering training course was bitter, dirty and tired usually ignored the hardship of environment and physical fatigue because of the freshness and satisfaction brought by labor.
"The first type of work I have experienced is locksmith. To grip the workpiece with vice on the bench, the labor task is to grind a hammer." He Lifen, a 2018 energy and power engineering major, described his own experience. "The first step of locksmith is to saw a small section of round steel. After sawing the round steel, he will file it with a file. This is a long process. Repeat the same action. Stand with sour legs and hands, and know that the completion of a workpiece is not as easy as expected, especially manual operation. I remember it was still a hot summer, we were wearing long sleeved long pants work training clothes, the work process was sweating, but we all insisted. Three and a half days passed quickly, and I managed to hand in the ugly hammer that I polished myself. The engineering training course is really exhausting, but more importantly, I have realized the satisfaction and joy of having labor achievements, which is my valuable experience in college life. "
"Understand" labor: hammer and chisel, temper Labor Values
What engineering training course brings to every student is not only the harvest of labor fruits, but also the exercise of physical and mental strength. It will also give students the thinking of their own struggling life in the future career development.
Yu Chao, a 2018 industrial design major, said: "the foundry let me realize the importance of teamwork, the fitter let me realize the significance of persistence, and the welder let me know that I need to work carefully. What impresses me most is that we should study hard and develop productivity. For the same workpiece, the fitter needs to grind it with a file for an afternoon, while the miller can finish it in 5 minutes, with higher accuracy. "
When it comes to the harvest of participating in engineering training, "labor safety", "labor practice" and "craftsman spirit" are the key words mentioned most frequently. Hu Xinxin, a 2018 mechanical engineering major, said: it can be said that in every stage of metalworking practice, the teacher repeatedly stressed labor safety. When entering the school's factory practice base for labor education for the first time, the teacher devoted one class time to tell us about safe operation. After entering every workshop, the teacher in charge of the workshop will never tire of telling it again. "Labor safety" has been deeply rooted in our minds. Lu Min, a 2018 industrial design major, said: engineering training is to apply knowledge to practical labor practice, such as how to cut a 45 ° chamfer. It is not only a mark on the drawing, but also a practical method. This makes us deeply feel that knowledge should return to labor practice at the end of the day, instead of staying in "talking on paper". In addition, through engineering training, we have further formed the excellent character of hard-working, conscientious, careful and unremitting. We are looking forward to the "craftsman spirit", which was originally ground out!
"Meeting" labor: from shallow to deep, creating labor education innovation mode
According to director Zhuang Shudong of engineering training center of mechanical and electrical engineering college, the engineering training center is an engineering training teaching platform for new engineering, aiming to fully implement the concept of "unity of knowledge and practice", improve students' labor consciousness, enhance students' labor ability and cultivate students' craftsman spirit through labor practice. Students of all majors in the college will experience the engineering training practice from the simple to the deep. The basic training of the engineering training center is universal. It aims to let students understand the working environment in the future and be familiar with the machines and equipment taught in the classroom through simple operation and practice. The Discipline Training combines the characteristics and requirements of each major to carry out corresponding training to improve students' practical ability; comprehensive training Mainly for senior students with rich theoretical knowledge reserve, through setting complex comprehensive problems, repeated training and practice, to improve the ability of students to connect theory with practice and practical ability; innovation training mainly aims at participating in discipline competitions, combining the competition requirements of various disciplines, through repeated practice and innovation, to achieve good results in competitions. At the same time, the teacher team of the engineering training center will make training plans according to different specialties. Each stage of training is taught and guided by teachers. Students use the theoretical knowledge they have learned through practical operation to deepen their understanding of theoretical knowledge. At the same time, through hands-on operation, they improve their practical ability and clarify the importance of practice.
Relying on the engineering training center, during the continuous exploration of the new mode of labor education, the college innovated the teaching content, built the core innovation training competition to guide the team construction, carried out the reform and practical exploration of the multi-party collaborative education mode of "politics, learning, production and research", and created the innovation and entrepreneurship effect. It has achieved fruitful results, realized the cross integration and cultivation of multiple types of work and disciplines, and formed The core innovation training team group of China engineering robot competition, national undergraduate engineering training competition, Yongguan cup national casting competition and other competition contents has won many national competition awards. Many times in all kinds of teaching evaluation by excellent results through the evaluation of experts.
After the release of opinions on Comprehensively Strengthening labor education in new era, the college attached great importance to it, and the teacher team of the engineering training center immediately carried out discussions on labor education in the teaching process of college students, and initially formulated the "1 + 5" labor education program, with the standard of 1 credit and 20 class hours, aiming to help students master practical and life close labor skills. "1 + 5" mode means "one project, five modules". "One project" means that students must complete one of the two tasks of making radio and learning advanced 3D printing technology. The teacher team focuses on different majors, starting from the two themes of "machine" and "electricity", to effectively help students control machinery and circuits and realize the integration of machinery and electricity. The "five modules" are as follows: in response to the national robot policy, students, under the guidance of teachers or on their own, form teams to make robots to realize the movement of robots; develop an adaptive production line; select a project about mechanical innovation and complete it; carry out labor education according to the test, and split the structure of machine tools to understand how workers use and maintain them daily Repair related parts; complete labor related tasks in the workshop.
From Hehai University
Editor Wan Chunmei, Huang Zhihan
Reviewed by Zheng Shi and Meng Hongyu
Email: 3264188144@qq.com

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