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Real silicone free shampoo is not sure to come with a set?

Hits: 3895986 2020-04-27

When choosing shampoo, first of all, you should know the characteristics of your hair quality, whether it is oily, neutral or dry, and then choose the right shampoo; second, you should choose the right brand, and the formula of different brands will be different
Dry hair: in the choice of shampoo, we should pay attention to whether it has moisturizing and moisturizing effect, so that your hair can breathe deeply like the skin
Oily hair: shampoo for controlling oily hair to keep it dry and comfortable for a long time
Fragile hair quality: it's best to choose the shampoo with nutrition to care
Duer is a pure natural care. It really does not contain a drop of silicone oil. When Chanel meets perfume, a shampoo is equivalent to giving the hair a reverse mold, repairing the hair scale to nourish and nourish the hair, making the hair soft and luster. Long term use can improve hair quality. There is a faint Chanel smell of perfume. The film is a paste for nourishing hair. It can penetrate hair into the hair, help repair fibrous tissue and restore hair vitality, while conditioner is only softly used.
? Flower color washing is also called goddess washing and protecting one bottle of shampoo and one bottle of hair care.
The shampoo is natural and transparent without silicone oil. It is fresh and not greasy after shampooing. It must be matched with protein hair care cream. It can also be used as a spa at home. It is very smooth. Once the hair is dried, it will be combed to the end without knotting. It can solve the problems of dry, fidgety, hair loss and serious bifurcations. It is suitable for hair dyed and permed.
Duer is a pure natural care. It really does not contain a drop of silicone oil. When Chanel meets perfume, a shampoo is equivalent to giving the hair a reverse mold, repairing the hair scale to nourish and nourish the hair, making the hair soft and luster. Long term use can improve hair quality. There is a faint Chanel smell of perfume. The film is a paste for nourishing hair. It can penetrate hair into the hair, help repair fibrous tissue and restore hair vitality, while conditioner is only softly used.
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