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Ge Xiaoping, tutor of School of Geosciences and engineering, Hehai University

Hits: 3894946 2020-04-22

Personal profile
Ge Xiaoping, male, Han nationality, November 1977, member of the Communist Party of China
Education: postgraduate degree: Doctor
Current position technical title lecturer
Learning experience:
From September 1996 to July 2000, studied in the geography base class of the Department of city and resource science of Nanjing University, and obtained a bachelor's degree
From September 2000 to June 2006, studied in the Department of city and resource science of Nanjing University, and studied for pH
Work experience:
2006.6-present lecturer, School of hydrology and water resources, Hehai University
Main research direction
1. Utilization direction of physical geography resources
2. GIS application
Achievements from 2006 to now, he has participated in the National Marine 908 investigation project, and is responsible for the second topic "island land use" and "general investigation of uninhabited island".
From 2003 to 2006, he participated in the design of Xiangshan County Science and Technology Commission's key project "Xiangshan County flood control decision support system development and research".
From 2002 to 2006, he participated in the project of "GIS based spatial hydrological process simulation and prediction" supported by the National Natural Science Foundation.
From 2001 to 2006, the main design and developer of Ningbo Municipal Science and Technology Commission's key project "Ningbo hydraulic information system".
In October 2001, he participated in the advanced seminar on "water resources and water environment" approved by the Ministry of education.
From 2000 to 2002, Yinxian science and Technology Commission set up the key project "Yinxian flood control graphic information system" to participate in the design and development.
From 2000 to 2002, as a major technician, he participated in the project of "Research on decision support system for flood control and disaster reduction of southeast coastal cities" funded by NSFC.
From 2000 to 2001, the main design and developer of the key project "flood risk map query and disaster assessment system" of Ningbo Science and Technology Commission.
From 2003 to 2004, as a technical guide, he cooperated with other units in the pilot project of Jiangsu Provincial Department of land and resources "grade and appraisal of agricultural land in Xinyi City", one of the main technical members and the author of the report.
From 2003 to 2004, one of the main technical members of the science and technology project "collective agricultural land transfer and regional agricultural land use change research" of Jiangsu Provincial Department of land and resources.
From 2003 to 2004, he cooperated with other units in the 2003 science and technology project of Jiangsu Provincial Department of land and resources "Research on compensation standard for land acquisition based on land social security function", one of the main technical members.
In 2002, he took the land valuer examination and passed the examination to become a registered land valuer.
From 2001 to 2003, as a technical guide, we cooperated with other units to conduct a new round of land and resources survey, which is an important part of "Suzhou urban benchmark land price survey", one of the main technical members and one of the report writers.
Paper Xu Youpeng, Xu Mengjie, Ge Xiaoping, etc., urban water resources and water environment, Guizhou people's publishing house, 2003.1.
Ge Xiaoping, Xu Youpeng, Zhang Lifeng, et al., simulation of flood inundation range supported by GIS, progress of water science, 13 (4), 2002
Zhou Huiping, Ge Xiaoping, Xu Youpeng, Luo Weijia, application of GIS in non-point source pollution assessment, progress of water science, 15 (4), 2004
XU You-peng, DU Jin-kang, ZHANG Li-feng, GE Xiao-ping, PENG Bu-zhu, Research on System of Flood Disaster Control and Reduction Supported By GIS in Medium and Small Basins,Chinese Geographical Science , 12(1) ,2002
Xu Youpeng, Ge Xiaoping, et al. Application of GIS in flood control and disaster reduction of small and medium-sized river basins. Proceedings of application of China Canada GIS in water conservancy, Hehai University Press, June 2001
Zhou Huiping, Xu Youpeng, Ge Xiaoping, application analysis of non-point source pollution model supported by GIS, soil and water conservation bulletin, 23 (3), 2003
Zhang Qi, Tan Dongyan, Xu Youpeng, Ge Xiaoping, et al. A preliminary study on the application of distributed unit hydrograph model in river basin runoff, Journal of Nanjing University, 39 (1), 2003
Zhang Lifeng, Xu Youpeng, Fu Weijun, Ge Xiaoping, etc., applied cross platform integrated geographic information technology to develop urban flood control and disaster reduction information system -- Taking Yinxian County flood control graphic information system in Zhejiang Province as an example, computer application research, 2003, supplement.
Address: School of hydrology and water resources, Hehai University
Post code: 210098 Tel: 025-83787891
Email NJGEXP@163.COM
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