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Silicone oil, the soul of condom

Hits: 3894145 2020-04-18

Source: network, Hesheng
When it comes to contraceptive tools, the first thing you think of is definitely "condom", which is convenient to use and purchase. But recently, because of the outbreak, the world's largest condom manufacturer warned that the inventory was in a hurry, and the existing inventory was only two months, with a gap of up to 100 million. In the future, human beings may face the dilemma of "no set available"? So, I don't know if you have thought about how people used contraception before the condom was invented?
As we all know, the process of pregnancy is that the sperm finds the egg, then forms the fertilized egg, settles down in the womb of the female, and finally develops into a baby. The above is junior high school biology knowledge, you can read it boldly. The safest contraceptive method is not to have sex. Pliny, an ancient Roman writer, advocated contraception through abstinence. In the middle ages, European Catholicism also strictly restricted the love of believers. Of course, this way is not the same, so how serious contraception has become the research topic of ancestors.
Imaginative ancestors came up with many "fantastic" contraceptive methods.
The Egyptians covered the soft sea creatures with lemon or orange juice and put them into the women's secret passage before rolling the bed sheets, which was found to be successful in contraception. But "soft sea creatures" are not easy to get after all, so Egyptian women try to put honey, feces and other things into their bodies, which seems to work well, but this way is a little disgusting, so it is not popular.
So in ancient Rome, a doctor named "solanus" came up with the method of "squatting pit contraception", which can expel the sperm before finding the egg. This method not only tests technology, but also tests speed and is easy to overturn, so it has not been vigorously promoted.
At that time, an oral contraceptive was popular in ancient Rome. The specific formula has been lost. It was only known that there was snail's mucus, oil and wine in it, so it was hard to swallow. Seeing this, countless people may be shocked to read the film (domestic TV Series), and this oral contraceptive is also common in ancient China. In ancient China, mercury, arsenic or strychnine were commonly used by women in brothels. Taking these poisons in small doses can achieve the effect of contraception or abortion, but it does great harm to the body. Therefore, the concubines in the harem do not use these "poisons", instead of musk and saffron (PS: it is said).
Of course, all the methods listed above have been eliminated in the long history because they are not practical or disgusting, and the technology tree of condom is the ultimate goal of human beings. In 17th century England, there was a king named Charles II, who liked to find a mistress to have fun. Later generations called him "king of joy". His royal doctor was very worried that he would get sick if he was so promiscuous, and that he would have many illegitimate children and shake the throne in the future.
This is the royal doctor. He learned that at that time, people used swim bladder to cover Ding Ding for contraception. He improved this "swim bladder condom", which was made of sheep intestines, and introduced this method to the king. The king thought it was very good, so he called it "condom" by the name of the royal doctor. Yes, condom is the name of the royal doctor.
The condom of the royal doctor inspired the later generations. They began to remove parts from animals to make condoms. After the experiments of N generations, they found that the cecum of sharks and lambs was the best. After degreasing and finishing, the texture was much better than that of swim bladder. It should be noted that these "animal condoms" are not disposable. After use, they must be washed and dried for reuse.
PS: it is also said that in ancient China, animal parts were first used to make condoms.
Condom: Legend of brothers in the Jianghu
Until the middle of the 18th century, Europeans invented rubber processing technology, and "casing" gradually withdrew from the stage of history, and rubber condoms appeared. In the 19th century, latex condoms gradually replaced rubber condoms.
Of course, as a qualified official account for a silicon based business, we still have to talk about the role of silicone oil in condoms. Up to now, there are two kinds of condoms: latex and polyurethane.
Silicone oil is mainly added as a lubricant. The latex and polyurethane materials are not slippery. It is the lubricant that makes the condom slippery and comfortable to use.
The main component of silicone oil here refers to dimethylsilicone oil, which not only plays a lubricating role, but also can prevent the damage of the condom in the process to a certain extent, making the condom more "safe". It's like a condom soul.
In addition, the silicone oil added to condoms produced by regular manufacturers is edible grade and has been strictly tested. Although it's food grade, it's not recommended to try it here.

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