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Introduction to marine science major and the score trend of Marine Science Major in Hehai University in 2020

Hits: 3893567 2020-04-15

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Marine science includes two major undergraduate majors: Marine Science and marine technology, and two special majors: marine resources and environment, military oceanography.
On December 28, 2017, the center for degree and graduate development of the Ministry of Education announced the fourth round of discipline assessment of marine science as a first-class discipline. The assessment results are as follows:
Ocean Science Major of Hehai University
This major is a key discipline of Jiangsu Province, with master's and doctor's authorization points of physical oceanography, as well as a Key Laboratory of the Ministry of education.
This major cultivates solid basic theoretical knowledge and application knowledge of mathematics, physics, mechanics, foreign languages and computers, Senior research and technical R & D talents who dare to innovate, are willing to contribute and have expertise in Physical Oceanography and marine engineering hydrology; systematically and firmly master the professional knowledge of marine science and application (including marine engineering, marine environment and ecology, etc.), especially the basic theoretical knowledge and application ability of physical oceanography; strong computer application ability; proficient English communication and foreign language Literature reading and writing; good marine scientific research ability; good scientific literacy and innovation spirit, strong self-study ability and independent professional work ability.
Main course
The curriculum includes the broad basic courses of mathematics and physics, such as higher calculus, mathematical physics methods, theoretical mechanics, probability theory and mathematical statistics, theoretical physics, fluid mechanics, English, programming language, etc.; it also includes the specialized basic courses with distinctive features and adapting to the teaching and research of physical oceanography, For example, introduction to marine science, physical oceanography, methods of marine investigation and analysis and prediction of marine elements; At the same time, it also includes professional courses with strong applicability to meet the social needs of coastal and offshore engineering and marine management, such as marine engineering hydrology, marine disaster and prediction, marine environment science, marine geology, marine ecology, marine resource development and management, geographic information system, etc.
Students can apply for postgraduate study in physical oceanography, coastal and marine engineering, coastal resources and environment, etc.
The employment is mainly for the national marine management departments, such as the State Oceanic Administration, provincial and Municipal Local Oceanic Administration and other business departments and management departments, The Department of naval aviation security and the business support department of marine meteorology, as well as the planning, survey, design, research, construction and management, teaching, scientific research and other units of ministries and commissions of transportation, water conservancy, etc., major design institutes of CCCC group, major engineering bureaus, transportation, water conservancy departments of coastal provinces, coastal engineering and similar industries.
The enrollment trend of Marine Science Major of Hehai University: from 2016 to 2018, Jiangsu science department will enroll 3, 3 and 1 students respectively, with the minimum admission scores of 379, 369 and 374 respectively, ranking 8265, 9034 and 9621 respectively in the whole province of science; according to the reference of 2019 new frontline standard, these three years are equivalent to 45, 46 and 41 points in 2019 new frontline respectively, so in 2019, about 385 points will be accepted with greater assurance, at 20 The "2017-2019 compilation of admission materials of Jiangsu ordinary colleges and universities" issued by the University in June, 20 can be consulted, and the line difference and ranking of about 9000 in 2020 can also be filled in by reference.
Shanghai Ocean University [Ocean Science (Oceanography direction))
Training objective: to cultivate basic theories and knowledge in mathematics, physics, chemistry and marine environment science, receive relevant training in marine scientific research, master basic investigation methods and experimental skills of marine science, have basic ability to engage in marine investigation and marine scientific research, and be able to engage in scientific research, teaching, management and technology in marine science and related fields Senior professional in technical work.
Main courses: introduction to marine science, marine meteorology, physical oceanography, biological oceanography, chemical oceanography, marine investigation and observation technology, marine geology, calculation and prediction of marine elements, environmental oceanography, satellite oceanography, environmental monitoring and evaluation, etc.
Employment direction: engaged in research and teaching of marine management science and environmental management science in research institutions, teaching institutions and other institutions related to marine and environmental science; worked in administrative institutions such as marine affairs management; engaged in relevant management, consultation, service and other work in enterprises and institutions related to the sea.
Shanghai Ocean University [Marine Science (direction of marine biological resources]
Main courses: introduction to marine science, physical oceanography, marine investigation methods, marine biology, marine ecology, marine plankton biology, microbiology, marine animal physiology, ichthyology, benthic biology, biotechnology, fishery resources, fishery resources assessment and management, etc.
Direction of employment: engaged in the investigation and development of marine biological resources, marine environmental protection and monitoring, resource breeding, research, teaching, technological development and management of marine biotechnology and marine resources.
Marine Science Major of Zhejiang Ocean University
Training objectives This major cultivates systematic basic theories, basic knowledge and basic skills of environmental science, which can be engaged in environmental protection application research, environmental monitoring and equipment development, pollution prevention and control in applied research institutions of environmental science, colleges and universities, environmental protection and other government departments at all levels, science and technology, culture and education departments, industrial enterprises, agriculture and other industrial departments as well as relevant research institutions , environmental protection and environmental management evaluation, teaching and other applied basic research professionals. It will lay a solid foundation for continuing postgraduate study in Environmental Science and related disciplines.
Main courses: University Chemistry, organic chemistry, general biology, chemical oceanography, environmental microbiology, ecology, modern instrument analysis, environmental biology, environmental chemistry, seawater analytical chemistry, environmental monitoring and pollution control, environmental quality assessment, environmental planning and management, marine biology, environmental engineering, water pollution control, seawater corrosion and protection, etc.
Employment direction: graduates can go to applied research institutions in Environmental Science and related research fields, colleges and universities, marine environmental protection at all levels, industrial enterprises, agriculture and other industrial departments to engage in environmental protection application research, environmental monitoring and equipment development, pollution prevention and control, environmental protection and environmental management evaluation and other aspects of teaching, scientific research, technical services and management.
The research of marine technology major of Shanghai Ocean University focuses on the application of marine information detection and processing, including three main research fields: marine remote sensing detection means and processing, marine geographic information system and related development, underwater acoustic detection and signal processing. With outstanding professional characteristics, it has a good application prospect in the industry.
Main courses: Advanced Mathematics, statistics, calculation methods, mathematical methods, introduction to marine science, calculation of marine environmental factors, marine investigation and observation technology (including sea practice), space measurement, remote sensing, satellite oceanography, geographic information system, hydroacoustics, global satellite positioning system, etc.
Employment direction: engaged in engineering, scientific research, teaching and Technological Development in relevant departments such as ocean, information, surveying and mapping, maritime affairs, water conservancy, resources and the armed forces.
Representative employment units in recent years:
Shanghai Zhongzhen Measurement Technology Engineering Co., Ltd,
Derby software (Shanghai) Co., Ltd,
The East China Sea Branch of the Oceanic Administration,
China Ping An Property Insurance Co., Ltd. Shanghai Branch
East China Sea Fishery Administration Bureau of the Ministry of Agriculture
Master's degree: Marine Science, no doctor's degree. Foreign cooperation University: Tokyo Ocean University, Taiwan Ocean University.
Marine technology major of Shanghai Ocean University (direction of marine surveying and mapping)
Cultivate the basic knowledge of engineering survey, geodesy, hydrographic survey, geographic information system, satellite positioning, remote sensing and chart compilation, and be able to engage in engineering, research and management in the fields of marine mapping, marine navigation and positioning, port and coastal engineering construction, marine resource survey, investigation and management, marine mapping and geographic information system, etc High quality marine mapping talents.
This major is a scarce one in China, with urgent demand and little supply. It has strong practicality and students need to master more practical knowledge and practical ability. After graduation, it can serve in marine surveying and mapping, survey, engineering, research, military and other fields.
Main courses: Space Surveying and mapping, engineering surveying, survey adjustment basis, geodesy, hydrographic survey, nautical chart, geographic information system, photogrammetry and remote sensing, global satellite positioning system, marine geology, port and Coastal Engineering (island and reef).
Employment destination: can work in marine, surveying and mapping, maritime, water conservancy, resources, environment, naval forces and other departments as well as projects, equipment and sales companies related to the sea.
Representative employment units in the past three years: Maritime Bureau (marine surveying and mapping brigade), maritime bureau (Marine Supervision Detachment), Waterway Bureau, surveying and Mapping Research Institute, marine engineering and instrument sales company.
Cooperation with foreign universities: noa
Ocean Technology Major of Guangdong Ocean University
Training objective: to cultivate senior professionals with basic theories, basic knowledge and basic skills of marine technology, who can engage in scientific research, teaching, management and other work in marine technology and related fields.
Main courses: Advanced Mathematics, marine chemistry, introduction to environmental science, biological oceanography, marine geology, marine meteorology, marine ecology, marine investigation and monitoring, marine remote sensing, marine and coastal engineering, physical oceanography, marine environment quality assessment, coastal zone planning and management, marine information technology, etc.
Direction of employment: suitable for scientific research, development, management, teaching, operation and other work in environmental protection, marine comprehensive management organization, fishery management, aquatic products, colleges and universities, enterprises and other relevant departments.
From the third academic year, students can choose one of the two major directions of marine environmental monitoring technology and marine biotechnology according to the needs of the society and their own wishes.
Ocean Technology Major of Dalian Ocean University
To cultivate and master comprehensive basic knowledge of marine science, solid basic knowledge of mathematics and physics, as well as relevant basic knowledge of electronic technology and computer technology, basic skills in marine investigation and marine monitoring and corresponding data and signal processing, and composite application in marine technology field with good scientific literacy, innovation spirit and practical ability Type talent.
Main courses: introduction to marine science, geohydrodynamics, physical oceanography, marine survey methods, acoustic foundation, principles of hydroacoustics, underwater acoustic measurement technology, remote sensing technology and application, analog electronic technology, digital electronic technology, signal and information processing, marine environment protection and monitoring, and aquaculture engineering technology.
Graduation destination: units in the fields of marine investigation and exploitation of marine resources, marine environment monitoring and protection, marine fishery, marine management, basic research and development of marine exploration and monitoring instruments, and technology and development related to remote sensing and acoustic information.
Jiangsu Ocean University of Ocean Technology
Main courses: marine dynamics, marine hydrology, marine resources, marine engineering environment, coastal zone planning and management, geographic information system, GPS positioning and navigation, marine remote sensing technology, marine information technology, marine cadastral management, marine survey

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