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Study on the preparation and properties of polyurethane foam after dry cargo attacking water and silicone oil

Hits: 3895430 2020-04-24

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Today's fresh push is: Research on the effect of water and silicone oil on the preparation and properties of polyurethane foam. Author: Liu Yitao, Liu Huanyan, Kang Wei, Cao Xueyan, Yang Liyou, Li Yang, Gu Xiaohua, Jia Hongge, Jia Hongge, etc.
Using water as the main foaming agent can greatly reduce the cost of preparing polyurethane foam, and effectively protect the environment and reduce the damage to the atmosphere. The effects of different amounts of water and silicone oil on the preparation of polyurethane foam and its mechanical properties were discussed. As the amount of water increased, the density and compressive properties of polyurethane foam gradually decreased while water absorption increased. The amount of silicone oil increases and decreases the density and compressive properties of polyurethane foam. It shows that the amount of silicone oil has an optimum value. At the same time, the polyurethane foam prepared has better compression performance.
Keywords: polyurethane foam; water; silicone oil; compressive strength; density
Trial section:
Polyurethane (polyurethane, PU) is characterized by the fact that its molecular chain is composed of several repeatedly arranged carbamate group (- nhcoo) groups. Polyurethane foam (PUF) is one of polyurethane polymer synthetic materials. Polyurethane foam has wide application in the field of thermal insulation pipes because of its excellent thermal insulation properties. There are many foaming agents for the preparation of rigid polyurethane foam, such as cyclopentane, water, CFC and hydrofluorocarbon compound (HCFC) [6-10]. Each foaming agent has both advantages and disadvantages, such as 1, The polyurethane rigid foam prepared by 1- two chloro -1- fluoroethane (HCFC-141b) foaming agent has the similar insulation and foaming properties with the foam prepared by three chlorofluorocarbons (CFC-11) foaming agent. However, the polyurethane foam prepared by HCFC-141b contains the substances that destroy the atmospheric ozone layer and has a threatening effect on the environment. Therefore, HCFC-141b is only a transitional foaming agent. Using water as foaming agent is actually using water
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